How to Manage the Yips in Golf

Putting Yips

The Only Way to Overcome Yips As a golfer, nothing’s better than waking up early on a beautiful, sunny morning and heading to the golf course for a round of golf. In contrast, nothing worse than playing with the yips, incapable of sinking a three-foot putt on that beautiful, sunny morning and thinking your can’t score up to your capability. … Putting Yips Article>>

The Putting Yips and Over Thinking

Over thinking and the yips

Winning the Battle of the Mind in Golf What words describe how you feel in the moments before you hit a short putt? Tentative? Anxious? Fearful? Doubtful? Scattered? Overwhelmed? Do you second-guess yourself even though the putt is not particularly difficult? These are the feelings and words golfers use to describe their experience when entrenched with the yips. Now, let’s … Putting Yips Article>>