Putting Yips Articles

Performance Anxiety And Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Golfers Who Choke Under Pressure Golfers who are labeled with the yips experience a condition that causes muscular contractions or jerking at impact. They are seen by others as golfers who choke under pressure. Research shows that anxiety and stress accelerates the involuntary movements in many neurologic disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and Tourette’s syndrome. This information lead … Putting Yips Article>>

Visualize Yourself as a Great Putter

Overcoming Golf Yips

Overcome Yips With Visualization Putting is a game within the game. Golf presents no greater mental challenge than your inner battle on the putting green. To putt great everyday, you first have to win the inner battle so you can then focus on getting the ball in the hole. The weird part about putting is that you can have the … Putting Yips Article>>

Mental Imagery And The Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Using Mental Imagery To Overcome The Yips I found an article in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, about decreasing the putting “yips” – in which golfers experience a sudden tremor, freezing, or jerking motion while putting. The researchers suggest that the yips have both physical and psychological connections, and the more than 25 percent of professional golfers acquire the … Putting Yips Article>>

3 Tips to Cure The Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Focusing on The Process in Golf The definition of the yips for golfers has changed over time. Some experts would say that golfers who have muscle spasms or unwanted physical movements affecting players’ shot making have the yips. Other yips experts would say that golfers with mental game or anxiety-related problems such as choking lead to the yips. Most would agree that … Putting Yips Article>>