Mental Imagery And The Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Using Mental Imagery To Overcome The Yips I found an article in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, about decreasing the putting “yips” – in which golfers experience a sudden tremor, freezing, or jerking motion while putting. The researchers suggest that the yips have both physical and psychological connections, and the more than 25 percent of professional golfers acquire the … Putting Yips Article>>

3 Tips to Cure The Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Focusing on The Process in Golf The definition of the yips for golfers has changed over time. Some experts would say that golfers who have muscle spasms or unwanted physical movements affecting players’ shot making have the yips. Other yips experts would say that golfers with mental game or anxiety-related problems such as choking lead to the yips. Most would agree that … Putting Yips Article>>

What are Golf Swing Yips?

Keys to Overcome The Yips in Golf

What are the full-swing yips in golf? The full-swing yips are another variety of the yips in golf. They are different than the putting yips. I have worked with players who had problems with the full swing. But I think the golf swing yips are much rarer than the chipping or putting yips. When you have the full swing yips, … Putting Yips Article>>

What Causes Yips Symptoms?

Overcoming Golf Yips

Where Do The Yips Come From? One of the most studied phenomenon’s in the game of golf is the sudden appearance of the putting “yips”. Symptoms of the yips include jerks, tremors and freezing, which cause performance problems for tournament players. Related Article: Performance Anxiety and Golf Putting Yips Research suggests that the yips add approximately 4.7 strokes to affected … Putting Yips Article>>

All About Chipping Yips

Are the chipping yips caused by a mental or physical problem? The debate is still ongoing and the answer depends on who you ask in golf. I often work with students who have the chipping yips, but I think they are more rare than the putting yips. What are the chipping yips? The yips in chipping, similar to putting, happen … Putting Yips Article>>

Bernhard Langer And The Yips

Keys to Overcome The Yips in Golf

How Did Langer Handle The Yips? Bernard Langer’s problems with putting yips is well chronicled during his career. Despite having the putting yips, Langer was a consistent winner in Europe and later in the US. Bernard Langer first developed the yips when he was 18 years old. Ouch! The yips will cause any golfer to shoot higher scores. Most, if … Putting Yips Article>>