Do You Have The Yips On Long Putts?

Overcoming Golf Yips

Why Do Some Golfers Struggle With Long Putts? Most golfers I work with struggle mostly with short putts, Why? Golfers are expected to make the short ones, right? This leads to more perceived pressure and thus more worry about missing, which leads to over control in my yips cycle model. But today, I’m talking about golfers who struggle with long … Putting Yips Article>>

Do You Make Putting Too Complex?

Tommy Fleetwood Yips

How to Simplify Your Putting Mark, a golfer who had the yips wrote me last month to say that he had stopped his tinkering with putting and was putting much better… “Dr. Cohn.. amazing! I have not had the yips since you posted my comment about reading books on putting and how it triggered the yips. Somehow reading that story … Putting Yips Article>>

Do You Label Your Putts By Length Or Type?

Overcoming Golf Yips

What Makes The Length of The Putt so Difficult? Some golfers struggle with a certain distance when putting. You might do well with long putts, but struggle on short putts. Or you might struggle only with longer putts that require more touch. Why would one length of putt give you fits on the green? Does your smooth stroke on 10-20 … Putting Yips Article>>