Golf Yips Articles

3 Tips to Cure The Putting Yips

Overcoming Golf Yips

Focusing on The Process in Golf The definition of the yips for golfers has changed over time. Some experts would say that golfers who have muscle spasms or unwanted physical movements affecting players’ shot making have the yips. Other yips experts would say that golfers with mental game or anxiety-related problems such as choking lead to the yips. Most would agree that … Putting Yips Article>>

Bernhard Langer And The Yips

Keys to Overcome The Yips in Golf

How Did Langer Handle The Yips? Bernard Langer’s problems with putting yips is well chronicled during his career. Despite having the putting yips, Langer was a consistent winner in Europe and later in the US. Bernard Langer first developed the yips when he was 18 years old. Ouch! The yips will cause any golfer to shoot higher scores. Most, if … Putting Yips Article>>

What Are The Putting Yips?

Yips Mental Coaching

The Putting Yips in Golf The putting “yips” are one of golf’s most perplexing challenges… Golf and putting is not fun if you think you have the yips. The yips have driven more good golfers to give up the game than any other golfing challenge. When players label themselves as having the putting yips, they think they have an incurable … Putting Yips Article>>